Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Sorry for making two different posts...but anyways...

Part 3: Scotland!
At 5:00 in the morning on Sunday, Emily, Hanna, and I packed our luggage and headed again for the infamous Moscow metro system. Our destination was the Aeroexpress train station, a train taht would take us the 45 minutes to the Moscow airport where we would board a train to London and then to Edinburgh. As you may have guessed, travel week is a very important week for us because well, we are given absolute freedom. Most students either stay in Moscow for a few extra days, Egypt is popular, the Trans-Siberian railway, or like us, students head towards Europe. I picked Scotland and luckily, 2 friends were also interested in the trip. And my mom and sister were meeting us there! I was excited to get out of Russia and just be there...obviously.
So, despite missing our flight in London, we made it to Edinburgh later that night. And of course, we started the week off and chips and haggis! :)
Most of the week was spent either A. sleeping in or B. meeting members of my family. And, that was exactly what I needed, especially after being in Russia for 2 months already. I got to meet some of my fabulous cousins that I met when I was 3 (the last time I was in Scotland) or some that I have never met before. I loved every second that I was with them and I'm so glad that I'm a part of their family.

The most memorable part of the trip was our one "night on the town" with my cousin Lewis and his friend. We didn't really know where to go at night and thus, Hanna, Emily, Michelle, and I became the followers. And mind you, I would follow Scottish boys probably anywhere ;). They took us to what is called a "silent disco." Everyone in the club is wearing headphones and the same music is playing in those headphones. There is no music playing in the club, just in the headphones. If you take your headphones off, you can only hear everyone collectively singing the song that is playing. What a ridiculous and yet ingenious concept. It was fantastic! With our headphones on, we formed a small circle among the cramped room (and yes, it was on a Wednesday) and danced the night away! :)

Edinburgh is such an amazing city and honestly, I think coming from St. Petersburg made it even better. For the entire week, I only heard English...and what a beautiful language it is! I ate haggis, fish and chips, frosted flakes, fruit loops, peanut butter, and simply got to enjoy the company of friends and family. After being in Edinburgh for only a few hours, I decided that I would like to spend maybe a full year in the city, taking a class and working. Sounds pretty good to me!
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end and on Saturday, we packed our bags again. We went to the airport, flew again to London (had a nice little 5 hour layover), flew to Moscow, got back on the aeroexpress, went again through the Moscow metro system, boarded a train at the Leningradskaya metro station, and thus, headed for St. Petersburg. Now, unlike our train going to Moscow, our train ride coming back to Petersburg was completely different. Instead of a quiet, comfortable 4-person room, we were in a wagon with no doors, just beds, meaning about 50 people were in the same wagon. People walked right by my head and I could do nothing about it. In fact, I slept incredibly well. I wish I had taken a picture. It would have blown your mind. So, after another 8 hour train, we now boarded the Petersburg metro system and 30 minutes later, I was "home," 24 hours after leaving Edinburgh.

Although the trip was absolutely fabulous, there was one problem: I didn't want to leave. I love being in Russia but I got to experience a week of being in my comfort zone again. I was incredibly homesick on the plane because I had a little taste of home...and I couldn't have it back for another 5 weeks. 5 weeks is not a very long time but nevertheless, it is still 5 weeks. Anyways, I am now settled back into my Russian home and can now see the tip of December 18th in the distance.

Until next time,

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