Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Last Week in Petersburg...and Homeward Bound.

Well, first, I apologize for not writing in a while. It has been an extremely busy time lately with studying for exams and trying to squeeze in the last few details. If you couldn't tell from the title, this week is my last week in Petersburg. I'm not really sure how I'm feeling about leaving Russia. While I am overly excited to come home, see my family, eat large amounts of peanut butter and Jimmy John's subs, I have a sense that Russia isn't done with me yet. Yet, as I prepare to leave on Saturday, I wanted to share what I will miss (and won't miss) about this mysterious country:

What I will miss about Russia:
1. My American friends (and one Aussie) :) You are the best group of people that I have ever met in my entire life, hands down. My time in Russia would have been unbearable without you. "Because I knew you, I have been changed for good."

And honestly, nothing can equal how much I will miss my, while I will definitely miss blinys, the Herimage, and maybe even the 30 minute walk to Smolny, nothing can equal the friendships I have made. Russians cherish friendship (дружба) more than anything...and I now completely agree.

What I won't miss about Russia:
1. Taking the metro...I will forever cherish American personal Unfortunately I have adopted the "stand very close to the other person when you are talking"...
2. Russian inaccessability to foreigners. While I was able to learn how to get around, I will never completely know everything simply due to the language barrier. But, I definitely know more than when I started!
3. The snow. I have fallen 7 times due to the ice and snow. Yep, 7 times.
4. Lack of customer service

Anyways, that is all I can think of right now. I am currently sitting in the Moscow airport waiting for a flight to Toronto. Mind you, I was supposed to fly from Frankfurt straight to Detroit, happy in the fact that I would never have to see Moscow again. Oh well, right now, I could care less about how I get home, just as long as I do!

What I am going to do immediately after I walk into my house:
1. Have a glass of clean water!
2. Be thankful in the fact that my bed is thicker than 2 inches
3. Sleep for a looonnngg time
4. Get in my car and DRIVE!
5. Jimmy John's. (I've been craving sandwiches for over a month now)

It's hard to believe that I am on my way home....See you all soon! :)

1 comment:

  1. YOU'RE STUCK IN MOSCOW?! That's awful! I'm stuck in Warsaw! You'd think these people would know how to deal with snow... it's not even snowing right now!!!
    Other than that blurb, I MISS YOOOOOOOU and I am proud to say I was there for at least 4 of those 7 falls :D
    Have a good flight and enjoy home! Wish I were there with ya girlie. Talk to you soon!
