Sunday, September 12, 2010

What a Week!!! :)

First of all, I want to apologize for not writing this week. I can say with all honestly that I have just had no time to sit and relax. I am always moving and exploring St. Petersburg! Ok, on to the good stuff...

Last week can be described in one word....Incredible. It has been such a whorlwind. I spent Monday evening shooting off fireworks down the Neva River, which is just a ridiculous thing to do. I even got to cut my friend Elliott's hair..and it looks surprisingly good. I may have found my new calling! (Kidding obviously). On Tuesday, I went with Elliott to a German girl's birthday party. There were 3 Germans, 2 Austrians, 3 Koreans, a girl from Finland, and a girl from Oman, and us, the two Americans. We were our own little UN party! (I was the only one there who didn't speak 2 or more languages...I'm working on that though)...

We had an excursion to the Peter and Paul Fortress on Friday. What an awesome place! The Fortress was founded by Peter the Great in 1703 and became the nucleus of the capital of the Russian Empire. The Fortress served as a political prison (Trotsky was imprisoned here!) from 1718 until 1921 as well as a military fortress, but was never used as such. The Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul and the Grand Ducal Burial Chapel. If only I brought my camera! The Cathedral serves as the burial ground for Russia's early Emperors and many members of the Imperial Romanov Family including the last tsar, Nicholas II, and his family and servants who were murdered by the Bolsheviks in 1918. Nicholas II may be my favorite person of Russia's history so obviously I was in awe of his final burial place. I can't describe how amazing it was to be there. I will definitely go back soon and take more pictures than anyone should. :)

Our ground spent this weekend in one of Russia's most historical cities, Novgorod. The city was established in 862 and served as a major trading route throughout from the Baltics to Byzantium in the 10th century. The churches in this city are spectular! The religious icons have been restored since their creation in the 12th century but many are still intact. There was so much information given to me over the past two days that it is almost impossible to remember it all. I encourge you all to research Novgorod and its amazing history! A highlight of the trip was running around a specific church (the name as left me) 3 times in order to bring good luck in one's marriage. Although I looked like a fool, I ran around the church! Mind you, I was laughing the entire time. The city has so much to offer and I only wish I could explain it more.

This week in Russia has been amazing. I am in a constant state of not understanding and can barely communicate with the Russians but I am having a fabulous time. While in Novgorod I was thinking about how much I miss being in Petersburg. It has become my "home." I am in a constant state of laughter. I just have so much more to do here! I can't wait to see what this next week brings!

Until next time (which will not be a week away like last time),


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