Saturday, August 28, 2010


Hey Everyone!
First of all, WELCOME TO RUSSIA!!! The past few days have been extremely busy! I have never flown overseas by myself but it wasn't as bad as I expected. When I arrived in Germany, I was comforted to hear English coming from a group of students sitting around my gate...these were all CIEE students! (Meaning they were just like me!) We introduced ourselves and were able to meet with our full group together. We were then taken to a hotel and were put in rooms of 2 people. I was asleep immediately after I arrived!
The next day was a day of orientation. We were able to learn more about what to expect in our homestays and of the cultural differences between Russians and Americans, just as a beginning orientation. I quickly bonded with many of the American students and surprisingly, there are many other students from Michigan. After a few hours of orientation, we were able to leave the hotel and explore Moskovsky Prospect, one of the main streets of the city. There was a monument across from our hotel symbolizing the 900 days when German forces surrounded the city during World War II. The people of St. Petersburg were in absolute starvation during these 900 days (from 1941 to 1944) while men of all ages were sent to the front lines (the "Blockade" could be a possible thesis topic for me!) The blockade ended just before the end of the war and is forever remembered in the city.
Everyone waited in anticipation for Friday: the day we were to meet our homestay families! We had filled out a survey in the States of our preferences but did not know anything about our families prior to our arrival. My name was called and I read the names of my family members: Elena Ivanovna, her husband, and her two daughters who were students. This was wonderful news! Students in St. Petersburg usually speak English and for me, this is probably the best news...since I don't speak Russian. When I arrived at my home, only one daughter was present AND SHE SPEAKS FLUENT ENGLISH! I do not remember her name however. I have my own room and unlike many others, I have my own bathroom! My host mother is just adorable and very posh. She has been incredibly helpful but only speaks a few words in English. I will learn quickly hopefully.

Today we did a tour of the city. My host mother showed me how to go on the metro and said that tomorrow "You go alone." When I reached our group meeting point, we were able to see most of the highlights of the city including where we will be studying, known as Smolny. I feel very comfortable getting to Smolny and will be acquainted with the city in no time. The city is just as beautiful as everyone says! I will post pictures when my computer isn't dying...

I hope all is well in the States. More experiences will come soon!! :)

Love. HD

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